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Utilising Surplus Solar Energy For Maximum Savings

Sol P V Group

Updated: Dec 17, 2024

To run a successful and long-lasting business, it’s important to have a reliable source of power for any company buildings. Solar energy is often a great option, particularly as a surplus can often be provided too. In this guide from our solar experts, you can discover the advantages of utilising solar energy to help your business to save money in the long term. 

Solar Energy

As a type of green energy, it can be helpful to know more about what solar energy is and how it can help your business grow and develop. In this section, you can find everything you need to know about solar energy. 

What is solar energy?

Drawn from the sunlight, solar energy is sourced directly from the sun. Sunlight is collected with the use of solar panels, which can be installed on the roofs of buildings. This light can then be converted into electricity, which can then be used to power appliances and to warm a property.

What is surplus solar energy?

Your solar panels will likely produce excess energy if your business consumes a low amount of energy. Surplus solar energy is often created on summer days, for example, because no lighting and no heating will be required. This energy is known as surplus solar energy, which can be stored to prevent waste. 

Using Your Surplus Solar Energy

If you have extra solar energy being produced and are unsure what to do with it, it can be helpful to know your options. There are two main ways you can use your surplus solar energy. Below, you can find out how surplus energy can be used to help. 

Storing Solar Energy

Should you have surplus energy being produced, you will need a way of storing it if you would like to use it later. Solar batteries will store your solar energy, supplying it. The battery stores the energy, releasing it through an inverter only when it’s needed to power appliances.

Selling Your Solar Energy

If you don’t want to store your solar energy, you should be able to sell your energy back to the national grid, using the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG). You will need to choose a tariff for this, which will either be fixed or variable, depending on your provider.

The Cost Benefits of Surplus Solar Energy

Should you have surplus solar energy, there is a way for it to be utilised helpfully. Many ways of using your surplus solar energy can be beneficial when it comes to company expenses. In this section, you can discover the cost benefits of using your surplus solar energy. 

Reduced Energy Bills

A lessened reliance on other energy sources often means your overall bills are reduced, helping you to save money in the long term. Saving some funds on your costs can help you to put it towards other must-haves for your business, from seasonal parties to other bills. 

Energy to Charge Vehicles

Electric vehicles are a fantastic investment, if you’re searching for a way to become greener in your practices. Having the energy to fuel this equipment is important, and can be costly. Thankfully, there is a way to power your electric vehicles on your worksite, using your surplus solar energy. With the right equipment, it’s unlikely that you will need to spend excessively on charging cars. 

Extra Funds

If you’re looking for some extra funds, selling your surplus solar energy can be a great way to earn it. Depending on the company you choose to sell to, you can earn a beneficial amount. By earning money from your surplus energy, you can help to lessen the impact of your bills throughout the year.

Protection Against Rising Costs

By storing your energy for later use, you can help prevent the rising costs of heating from impacting you. By having your own source of energy on hand, your reliance on external sources lessens, meaning you need not pay to heat your property. This means that as long as you have a source of stored surplus solar energy to hand, if external heating costs rise they should not impact you. 

Why Savings for Businesses Are Important

More than a simple benefit, resource savings can be vital for a company. Below, you can discover some of the key reasons why savings are essential to helping a business flourish.

Emergency Funds

Unfortunately, it’s important to be prepared for the very worst. Emergencies such as economic crashes or weather damage to properties can pose threats to businesses, so it’s important to have the funds needed to deal with these problems at hand. Setting aside routine savings can help a business to stockpile resources, helping them to have something on hand to deal with an emergency.

Preparation for Seasonal Fluctuations

As demands for a product or service will naturally shift and change throughout the year, either increasing or decreasing, it’s important to be prepared for periods of difficulty. By stocking up savings of both energy and funds, seasonal shifts should not pose as large a threat as they may have in previous years.

Our Services at Sol P V Group

If you’re looking to source a method of collecting, utilising and storing green energy, we have the services you need at Sol P V Group. Our services are designed for businesses up and down the UK, helping them to utilise the power of green energy. 

Solar Panel Installations

Need a way to collect solar energy? Our solar experts at Sol P V Group would be happy to provide you with the panels needed to collect and convert sunlight into electricity for your business. In addition, we can also provide you with reliable solar batteries.

Solar Panel Maintenance

To get the most out of your solar panels, you will need routine maintenance carried out by solar experts. Our team at Sol P V Group offers a range of packages, designed to retain the longevity of a solar panel and keep it in operation for years to come.

To learn more about us and our commercial solar services at Sol P V Group, please visit our website directly. Alternatively, please contact us directly to learn more about our services and how we can help you.

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